Hurston, zora neale hurston essays, Zora Neale. West is working with Gates on a collection of essays by Hurston, which cover everything from writing about elections to her work as a freelancer. A more self-perceptive example from the same genre is Just Walk on By, by Brent Staples In "The Road Not Taken," we see how life is filled with choices. You are logged in. Janie eventually falls in love with Tea Cake, which raises issues related to gender and class. By Zora Neale Hurston.
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But she said she also wanted book buffs to see how Hurston grew as a writer and as an American who reclaimed voices of working-class black folks during the s. The seeds of the new anthology started when West, whose studies focus on African-American literature, was working on her doctoral dissertation. Black newspapers published these, too. In her research, West found a sprawling database of work by black writers that indexed pieces published from to Her most recognized work is set in Florida, and where most of the human hustle was directed at the soil, or scrappy ventures with uncertain prospects. Hurston surprises in this new collection of 21 stories, West said. Hurston was criticized by some of her contemporaries in the Harlem Renaissance.
West corrected errors she suspected were the result of typesetting. As you read these zora neale hurston essays, you see how Hurston grew as a writer. Her punctuation and the way she used language changed. The earliest stories are a little sentimental, West said, and some of the characters feel two dimensional. But over time, the stories deepen and the characters take on nuance. I hope people can enjoy the stories and that they can discover the richness of her words. West is working with Gates on a collection of essays by Hurston, which cover everything from writing about elections to her work as a freelancer. Zora neale hurston essays collection has been included in must-read books and most-anticipated books of It hit the shelves last month.
So many of these stories are about men and women, that intersection. A lot of people think that gender criticism is about women. But Hurston was interrogating masculinity. Sorryan error occurred. Get Started. Log In. You are logged in. Switch accounts. Offers go here, zora neale hurston essays. Back × Sign Up. Choose wisely! We won't share it with anyone else. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Join our mailing lists Best of the Blotter Would you like to receive our Weekly Blotter email newsletter? e-Edition Notifier Receive a daily notification that the DR-C e-Edition is available. High School Season Pass Sign up to receive the Denton Record-Chronicle High School Sports Newsletter.
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Since its debut in , Their Eyes Were Watching God has been no stranger to critical scrutiny. Inevitably, at the hand of exhibiting a true and authentic voice in nonstandard English, Hurston relinquishes the luster that comes from a more polished form of writing — causing readers to now question their understanding of what is and is not appropriate in the professional appeal of the American Standard edited English language. Standard English—in every perception and connotation of the phrase—is prescriptive. However, its technical definition is arbitrary, at best. If seemingly-minor rules like the above mentioned are broken, then ideas can become miscommunicated and meanings can become lost. Thus, Standard English is a unifier, a common ground connecting all parts of the country.
It is the language that everyone is expected to know and utilize. Aside from its ability to foster a prescription for effective communication, Standard English plays a crucial role in aesthetics. With knowledge of Standard English, readers will be better apt for discerning the level of correctness within a work. Put bluntly: Standard English is the writing style that is associated with proper, conventional writing. People look to reference books and scholarly material because those works are reliable. On the other side of the spectrum, nonstandard English is a contention that is just as skewed. Though it may sound pretentious, people strive for normalcy because that is the desired level of appearance in the professional and scholarly realm — being seen in this light coincides with giving a credible impression.
With these notions in mind, it is not uncommon to notice college intro-level composition books attempting to discern the functionality of Standard English in writing. Why Write Rice? Thinking Through Writing is a prime example of a work that elaborates on the concept of Standard English and its subjectivity. Along with the other contributing authors of this book, Dr. In this sense, Standard English functions as a matter of preference rather than a requirement. Adhering to the rules that are created by these standards will pilot readers, writers, and speakers to favorable judgment. Therefore, following Standard English standards is not a matter of being understood; it is, as Dr.
Dow and his colleagues indicate, a matter of being judged. In fact, this judgment is crystallized through the following explanation:. However, while you will be understood, you just might also communicate a few things you might not want to — the idea, perhaps, that you are not a very careful communicator, that maybe you are not very well educated, that you might not be good at a job that you are applying for, and so on. These may very well be unfair judgments, but they are judgments that people will make. We are judged not just by what we say, but also by how we say it. Standard English still may be subjective, but it is consistent — this linguistic format follows basic grammatical and rhetorical conventions, which is a catalyst for allowing people to be in command of their contentions in speech and writing.
Jacques Derrida, who is an authority in grammatology, actually extends a well-rounded scope for viewing writing. He states:. There is therefore a good and a bad writing: the good and natural is the divine inscription in the heart and the soul; the perverse and artful is technique, exiled in the exteriority of the body…the good writing has therefore always been comprehended. Comprehended as that which had to be comprehended: within a nature or a natural law, created or not, but first thought within an eternal presence.
Comprehended, therefore, within a totality, and enveloped in a volume or a book. The reader must be able to understand the material that he or she is reading. Thus, just because a work may be written well does not mean that it can be comprehended. For instance, a text may embody permissible grammatical forms, but it could be rife with unintelligible diction due to a verbose display of language that is garrulous and superfluous. In other words, the text could just be too wordy for everyday speech by the everyday man or woman. This excessive usage of language written or oral would actually serve as a deterrent from the goal of the rhetoric in the first place: to be comprehended. A work that exudes nonstandard English vis-à-vis grammatical manipulation in an effort to capture a specific vernacular may, in fact, be easier for a reader to understand.
Hence, Standard and nonstandard English should be viewed as guidelines for rhetoric, rather than a type of be-all, end-all set of conventions and rules. She addresses the challenges teachers African American and Caucasian alike face when teaching African American and poor children how to read and write. Delpit claims this is reasonable for these people because the children of the white, middle-class Liberals are already engrossed in the culture of power and know how to internalize the codes that go along with it Therefore, despite how minor they may seem, these linguistic variations cause teachers and grammarians alike to develop Standard English guidelines and criteria.
Sociolinguistics plays a major role in this process because in tandem with the distinction between Standard and nonstandard English, people seek ways to maintain a level of cultural and group loyalty. Nevertheless, she balances the realm of sociolinguistic power through her peppering of Standard English when she narrates. Regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender, social groups desire the chance to achieve some level of status in the world of work. Writing from a perspective of social privilege allows people to appear as if they are a part of higher social standards.
Nevertheless, these groups also covet their cultural values. While these conventions may work in a classroom where teachers serve as role-models, outside of school, people tend to speak differently. Arche-speech is writing because it is a law. A natural law. Consequently, maintaining a level of Standard English tends to be prescriptive. In The Skin That We Speak , Michael Stubbs delves into sociolinguistic notions in tandem with dialectology. Therefore, every part of the globe maintains its own unique way of speaking. Standard English just creates a common ground — a universal way of speaking and writing properly. Derrida elaborates upon this by contending that writing is always atonal.
He claims that:. The place of the subject is there taken by another, it is concealed. The means used to overcome this weakness tend to stretch out written language and make it elaborately prolix; and many books written in discourse will enervate speech itself. Essentially, then, Standard English itself acts as a double-edged sword. Its nature is not grammatological but pneumatological. In Their Eyes Were Watching God , Hurston achieves this level of naturalism through her usage of Black Vernacular English whenever the characters engage in dialogue.
Hurston wrote her novel during the Harlem Renaissance. Thus, by being able to establish this worth, black America could finally be seen as deserving of greater justice, compassion, equality, and respect. With the premise of portraying black Americans as genuine human beings, many African American writers used their pens to convey a reality that would stand the test of time. Zora Neale Hurston was one of these writers who epitomized this concept and flourished during the Harlem Renaissance. This statement illustrates the value that the black population puts forth not only toward life in general, but toward the littlest, most finite moments in life.
Appreciating the smaller moments — just as much, if not more than the bigger moments — is a true testament to what it means to be humane. Nevertheless, the blacks do not outright copy these traditions; they modify them. This is key in illustrating the notion that African Americans are, indeed, a part of humanity. Ah had to sorta pass by de house on de way back and seen her good. Moreover, the way in which this quotation is written highlights the usage of nonstandard English. By writing this passage in Black Vernacular English, Hurston creates a voice for the character who is speaking. Though she is the author of the tale, the quotation marks indicate that Hurston — in her Standard English voice — is not technically narrating.
The assertion is not generalized, but rather, it is an example of the genuine opinion that comes from a specific person with a specific voice. However, by using a writing style that is rooted in the Black vernacular, Hurston is not only able to formulate opinions within her characters, but she is also able to bring those opinions to life through the voice she creates for these characters. This passage sheds light on the very realistic intrinsic binaries that people —like the African Americans Du Bois alludes to; like the billions of people who have a sense of identity and affiliate themselves with more than one notion — face every day.
With this passage, Du Bois is saying that for someone to be truly aware of him or herself, then this person must realize that there is more than one component to who they actually are. The question of which option truly represents the African American individual now permeates. If he chooses the first one, he stays true to his skin color, his heritage, his people. If he chooses the second option, he conforms to the all-encompassing white-ruled society of which he, as a newly-freed slave, is now a part. Per her narration style, Hurston uses Standard English in this quote to convey a metaphor that connects Janie with nature. As the chapter unfolds and the Black Vernacular voice takes precedence, the readers soon see a morphing of these sentiments.
You in particular. It is the spit-polishing of an authentic voice. Just like her protagonist, Hurston herself is an African American female. Janie attempts to maintain black autonomy vis-à-vis the linguistic decisions she makes. Janie had put words in his held-in fears. She might run off sure enough. For one, it advances the plot by moving the story along from one concept to another. Nevertheless, through her usage of nonstandard English, Janie stays true to her African American identity and thus herself.
Maintaining black autonomy is a crucial — yet difficult task — for the often-oppressed African American female. She delves into the history of African American female struggles in order to convey that they are still very much a reality today for this sector. Though it may seem like an arduous fight, African American women still continue to make strides toward equality — namely equality with their white female counterparts. In Their Eyes Were Watching God , Janie is subjected to inequality based upon her gender and her skin tone. Her statement would not have been as effective if it was spoken in Standard English.
It would have lost its sense of realism and — equally as important — her voice. Their mutual vernacular characteristics thus allow them to share in their cultural identity. Evidently, she does more than incorporate Standard English and Black Vernacular English. A lot of people think that gender criticism is about women. But Hurston was interrogating masculinity. Sorry , an error occurred. Get Started. Log In. You are logged in. Switch accounts. Offers go here. Back × Sign Up. Choose wisely! We won't share it with anyone else. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Join our mailing lists Best of the Blotter Would you like to receive our Weekly Blotter email newsletter? e-Edition Notifier Receive a daily notification that the DR-C e-Edition is available.
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