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Capital punishment persuasive essay

Capital punishment persuasive essay

Another argument put forth by death penalty abolitionists capital punishment persuasive essay the possibility of executing an innocent person. June 14, at am. During his trial evidence proved that his DNA was on none of the evidence presented but he had potential eye witness to identify him. League Of Legends Hack Ip. League Of Legends Hack Ip Death Penalty Persuasive Essay Shannon Rafferty E-Portfolio.

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This assignment instructed students to write a persuasive essay capital punishment persuasive essay argues for a specific viewpoint or a specific action to be taken on a societal issue. I argued for a specific stance to be taken on the issue of the death penalty. The audience for this essay is the opinion section of the Sunday New York Times. This publication has a wide readership. The largest percentage of readers are between the ages of 35 and 44, and the majority of readers have either a college degree or a graduate degree. This essay argues for a question of value. The death penalty is an issue that has the United States quite divided. While there are many supporters of it, there is also a large amount of opposition. Currently, there are thirty-three states in which the death penalty is legal and seventeen states that have abolished it Death Penalty Information Center.

I believe the death penalty should be legal throughout the nation. There are many reasons as to why I believe the death penalty should be legalized in all states, including deterrence, retribution, and morality; and because opposing arguments do not hold up, I will refute the ideas that the death penalty is unconstitutional, irrevocable mistakes are made, and that there is a disproportionality of race and income level. The use of capital punishment greatly deters citizens from committing crimes such as murder, capital punishment persuasive essay. Ernest van den Haag, a professor at Fordham University, wrote about the issue of deterrence:. They fear most death deliberately inflicted by law and scheduled by the courts….

Hence, the threat of the death penalty may deter some murderers who otherwise might not have been deterred. And surely the death penalty is the only penalty that could deter prisoners already serving a life sentence and tempted to kill a guard, or offenders about to be arrested and facing a life sentence, capital punishment persuasive essay. van den Haag brings forth the argument that capital punishment is the strongest deterrent society has against murder, which has been proven in many studies. This was due to other possible murderers being deterred from committing murder after realizing thatother criminals are executed for their crimes. Capital punishment also acts as a deterrent for recidivism the rate at which capital punishment persuasive essay convicted criminals return to committing crimes after being released ; if the criminal is executed he has no opportunity to commit crimes again.

Some may argue that there is not enough concrete evidence to use deterrence as an argument for the death penalty. The reason some evidence may be inconclusive is that the death penalty often takes a while to be carried out; some prisoners sit on death row for years before being executed. This can influence the effectiveness of deterrence because punishments that are carried out swiftly are better examples to others. Although the death penalty is already effective at deterring possible criminals, it would be even more effective if the legal process were carried out more quickly instead of having inmates on death row for years. The death penalty also carries out retribution justly. When someone commits a crime it disturbs the order of society; these crimes take away lives, peace, and liberties from society.

Giving the death penalty as a punishment simply restores order to society and adequately punishes the criminal for his wrongdoing, capital punishment persuasive essay. Retribution also serves justice for murder victims and their families. The death penalty puts the scales of justice back in balance after they were unfairly tipped towards the criminal. The morality of the death penalty has been hotly debated for many years. Those opposed to the death penalty say that it is immoral for the government to take the life of a capital punishment persuasive essay under any circumstance. It is immoral to not properly punish a person who has committed such a horrendous crime.

The criminal is also executed humanely; in no way is he subjected to torture or any form of cruelty. All states that use the death penalty use lethal injection; the days of subjecting a prisoner to hanging or the electric chair are long gone in the US. Inmates are first given a large dose of an anesthetic so they do not feel any pain Bosner ; this proves that the process is made as humane as possible so the inmates do not physically suffer. Although the issue of morality is very personal for many people, it is important to see the facts and realize that capital punishment does take morality into account and therefore is carried out in the best way possible, capital punishment persuasive essay.

The eighth amendment to the United States Constitution prevents cruel and unusual punishment, capital punishment persuasive essay. Many opponents of capital punishment say that execution is cruel and unusual punishment and therefore violates the Constitution. As was stated earlier, the recipient of the death penalty is treated humanely and is not tortured in any way, capital punishment persuasive essay, shape, or form. After the anesthetic is administered the person feels no pain; the only part of the process that could be considered painful is when the IV is inserted, but that is done in capital punishment persuasive essay on a daily basis and no one is calling it unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the death penalty as constitutional in cases they have presided over. In the case of Furman v. The Supreme Court has not found capital punishment to be unconstitutional, and therefore this argument for abolition is invalid. Another argument put forth by death penalty abolitionists is the possibility of executing an innocent person. Many people that argue this overestimate how often this happens, it is an extremely rare occurrence and has not happened since the death penalty was reintroduced in Steven D. Stewart, capital punishment persuasive essay, the Prosecuting Attorney for Clark County Indiana, very effectively refutes this argument:.

Mistakes will be made in any system which relies upon human testimony for proof. We should be vigilant to uncover and avoid such mistakes. Our system of justice rightfully demands a higher standard for death penalty cases. Stewart points out that death penalty cases are held to a much higher standard. Due process in these cases takes much longer so that the court can be absolutely sure that the person is guilty before sentencing him to execution. This helps to eliminate any errors that could lead to executing the wrong person. He also points out that although there is a small possibility for mistakes to be made, this does not mean capital punishment should be abolished. If everything that had the potential for harmful mistakes were outlawed, society would be extremely crippled.

It is true that there capital punishment persuasive essay disproportionality when it comes to the races and classes that most frequently receive the death penalty. It has been proven that minorities and those with lower income levels are overrepresented on death row. This is not due to discrimination; this is due to the higher rate at which these groups commit crime ProCon. It has been argued that poverty breeds criminality; if this is true then it makes sense that those at a lower income level would more frequently be sentenced to execution than those at higher income levels ProCon.

It capital punishment persuasive essay also been proven that minorities are disproportionately poor, and therefore they would also be more likely to receive the death penalty. Ernest van den Haag said it best:. Guilt is personal. The only relevant question is: does the person to be executed deserve the punishment? Whether or not others deserved the same punishment, whatever the economic or racial group, have avoided execution is irrelevant. It does not matter what race or economic status a person is, if he is guilty he must receive the appropriate punishment, capital punishment persuasive essay, which in some cases may be the death penalty.

Capital punishment can be a difficult topic to approach because people tend to have extreme views on it, capital punishment persuasive essay. The death penalty is an asset to society; it deters potential criminals as well as serves retribution to criminals, and is in no way immoral. The arguments against the death penalty often do not hold up when examined more closely. It is important that the nation is united capital punishment persuasive essay this issue, rather than having some states use capital punishment while others do not. The death penalty can be an extremely useful tool in sentencing criminals that have committed some of the worst crimes known to society.

It is imperative that we begin to pass legislation making capital punishment legal throughout the United States so that justice can be served properly. Capital punishment persuasive essay, Kevin. Budziszewski, J. August Death Penalty Curricula for High School. Death Penalty Information Center. Green, Melissa S. Lowe, Wesley. This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 24th, at pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2. You can leave a capital punishment persuasive essayor trackback from your own site. You must be logged in to post a comment. Shannon Rafferty E-Portfolio Home Posts. Death Penalty Persuasive Essay This assignment instructed students to write a persuasive essay which argues for a specific viewpoint or a specific action to be taken on a societal issue.

org Stewart points out that death penalty cases are held to a much higher standard. org It does not matter what race or economic status a person is, if he is guilty he must receive the appropriate punishment, which in some cases may be the death penalty. Works Cited Bosner, Kevin. July 10, at am. best cash back website. March 23, at am. best cash back website ´íÎó£ºÄúËùÇëÇóµÄÍøÖ·£¨URL£©ÎÞ·¨»ñÈ¡. March 1, at pm. net Death Penalty Persuasive Essay Shannon Rafferty E-Portfolio. attack strategy th5 vs th6. January 5, at am. attack strategy th5 vs th6 Death Penalty Persuasive Essay Shannon Rafferty E-Portfolio. sample essays. December 1, at pm, capital punishment persuasive essay.

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It helps in restituting, retribution and incapacitating for crimes like murder, treason and other serious crimes Kasten 2. Today, the state governments have the responsibility to decide on capital punishment. There are thirty-eight states in the United States that have […]. Capital punishment being either a justifiable law, or a horrendous, unjust act can be determined based on the perspective of different worldviews. In a traditional Christian perspective, the word of God given to the world in The Holy Bible should only be abided by. The Holy Bible states that no man or woman should shed […].

You see them grab the plate, smash it on the ground and look you straight in the eyes. Are they deserving of a punishment? Now what if I say your child is three years old. Capital Punishment is when a person is legally punished for a crime by death. This is a subject that is very controversial and people tend to have a strong opinion of support or opposition on the topic. I support capital punishment for what I believe are many logical and sound reasons. Capital punishment is the […]. Dating back to the 18th century, the death penalty was a punishment used by many across the world.

Currently, the death penalty is legal in 30 states Gramlich. Since , 1, people have been killed as a punishment for their crimes in the United States Death Penalty Info. The act of killing a human as […]. The death penalty in America has been effective since Throughout the years following the first execution, criminal behaviors have begun to deteriorate. Capital punishment was first formed to deter crime and treason. As a result, it increased the rate of crime, according to researchers. Punishing criminals by death does not effectively deter crime because […]. America faces an ethically instilled dilemma on whether or not a convicted criminal of a serious crime should face the ending of his or her life as punishment.

Many people argue that this form of compensation is unethical, while others believe that the punishment is justified. This immensely controversial topic leads to many states outlawing […]. Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to relate many different criminological theories in regard to capital punishment. We relate many criminological theories such as; cognitive theory, deviant place theory, latent trait theory, differential association theory, behavioral theory, attachment theory, lifestyle theory, and biosocial theory. This paper empirically analyzes the idea that capital punishment is […].

The death penalty costs more than life in prison. Springer documents how the death penalty convictions declined due to economic reasons. The death penalty dates back to the eighteenth century which was for 25 specific crimes. The first recorded American death due to the death penalty was a spy for Spain in located in Jamestown Virginia DPIC. In, the Virginia governor opened up the death penalty for minor crimes such as stealing grapes DPIC. In, […]. Capital Punishment is the legally authorized killing someone for committing a heinous crime. The O. Simpson case was the first of a long line of publicly televised trials.

The trial lasted for days and people were consumed with it. It even had the attention of foreign leaders. In there were a couple ways to measure crime and criminal behavior patterns. One of them was the National […]. Religious and moral values tell us that killing is wrong. Thou shall not kill. To me, the death penalty is inhumane. Killing people makes us like the murderers that most of us despise. No imperfect system should have the right to decide who lives and who dies. The government is made up of imperfect humans, […]. Capital punishment is a universal problematic ideology under constant debate. Those that oppose the death penalty often agree that it is immoral for the government to take the life of an individual.

They frequently state that the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment, but our Constitution would never allow such punishments. It states […]. George Walker Bush, a former U. Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Capital punishment has been used since ancient times. The earliest sign of capital punishment dates back to the eighteenth century BCE. In ancient Babylon, Greece and Asia […]. The Conservatives Concerned Organization challenges the notion that the death penalty is more cost effective compared to prison housing and feeding costs. The organization argues that the death penalty is an expensive lengthy and complicated process concluding that it is not only a bloated program that delays justice and bogs down the enforcement of the […]. Do you really learn not to be violent from that or instead do you learn how it is okay for moms or dads to hit their children in order to teach them something?

This is exactly […]. The death penalty has been a controversial topic throughout the years and now more than ever, as we argue; Right or Wrong? Moral or Immoral? Constitutional or Unconstitutional? The death penalty also known as capital punishment is a legal process where the state justice sentences an individual to be executed as punishment for a crime […]. Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr. meet at a local Starbucks, have a grande Caffè Latte, and discuss their visions of what type of society best supports the pursuit of happiness. They agree on most aspects, but disagree on one aspect. Jefferson and King both have the same views for taxation, education, and crime […]. In , a female by the name of Shirley Crook was found dead in her home.

Authorities arrested 17 year-old Christopher Simmons for the offense. They found that Simmons, in conjunction with two coconspirators, planned the burglarizing, kidnapping and death of Ms. Prosecutors for the State of Missouri were effective in trying Simmons as […]. Death penalty, or capital punishment, are means of legal punishment that have been continuously analyzed and argued. Some serious criminal offenses are punishable by death most often violent homicides where the jury determines that the convicted offender lacks remorse. Capital punishment remains controversial and has been outlawed in many countries. Many countries also still allow […]. This is in large part because of the views many have toward the rule of law or an acceptance to the status quo.

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